
This is the personal website of Michael Dreher, Professor in the Department of Communication at Georgia College.

I created this site in part because there are many people on the Internet who have freely given of their own talents and knowledge, and that’s something for which I am (and we should all be) grateful. Part of that gratitude is giving back, whether it’s in small or large ways. If I share something that can help someone else in their workflows, teaching, or in some other area, then this site will be successful.

Check the about page for why I call my site a “communication polymath in training.”

I consider myself a life-long learner. Here are some areas where I continue to learn — hopefully some of what I learn may be useful to others, such as…

  • Ideas on how to help scholarly workflows – both in preparing lessons and in managing the amount of data academics generate.
  • Musings on other scholarly areas of interest (such as coaching forensics, directing tournaments, political communication, religious rhetoric, etc.), and discussions about higher education.
  • Accessibility, particularly as it concerns websites and electronic documents. I’m working on adding to my Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC) credential and my Accessible Document Specialist (ADS) credential earned from the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.
  • Thoughts about learning and teaching chess as an adult learner. I hope to return back to the offline chess world, but the trip will be a little longer than it was in Minnesota. We don’t exactly have many over-the-board tournaments in my part of Georgia. Goals: Visit the St. Louis Chess Club. Regrets: Not being able to visit Ben Finegold’s chess club (which, like many businesses, was impacted by COVID). My goal is to (hopefully!) become a master (why not dream big?), as well as a (more certified and better qualified) USCF chess coach and tournament director.
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#This site is not sponsored by, nor should it be construed as representing, the views of Georgia College & State University, the Georgia College & State University Department of Communication, or any of my previous employers. 
#References made to software programs or companies may be trademarked by their owners, and this site is not affiliated with, approved or endorsed by the companies involved. I receive no compensation from any software I mention here.  
#All advice is freely given in good faith, and I am not legally responsible for any loss of data or damage that might occur due to the instructions provided. 
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