EndNote 21 has a nice new feature where tags can be added to any reference. There are some peculiarities with tags, though, which is why I consider them a beta feature. I’ll mention here what I’d like to see changed, but even though tags are in their early stages, there are some legitimate use cases…

Read More EndNote 21: Tags vs Groups

A couple of weeks ago, I watched a webinar led by two accessibility specialists from Princeton University. I’ll admit that I’m slightly jealous that they have over 125 people certified by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals on the Princeton campus. I believe that I’m the only person certified on my campus, which I hope…

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I’m not going to rehash here the myriad debates about what Artificial Intelligence (AI) will do to education and colleges. There’s been enough electrons and ink spilled about that, with more to come. I want to focus on one aspect that ties in well with the typical academic’s tendency toward imposter syndrome — the fear…

Read More FONK, not FOMO

Observant readers of my website will note that I listed one of my goals as visiting the St. Louis Chess Center. Goal achieved. I had the opportunity to check out the main floor, and sitting at one of the tables was GM Yasser Seirawan, who was reading and it looked like he was checking some…

Read More Bucket list item checked off…