Observant readers of my website will note that I listed one of my goals as visiting the St. Louis Chess Center.
Goal achieved.
I had the opportunity to check out the main floor, and sitting at one of the tables was GM Yasser Seirawan, who was reading and it looked like he was checking some analysis he had done. I tried to take a picture of him in the club, but I was also playing a game with Joshua at the time. I was also a bit too introverted to go over and talk to him… I’m a patzer compared to him! But proof he was there (and what you’ll find across from the Chess Center):
Also at the Chess Center was the #2 rated 13-year old: Ryo Chen. His USCF rating is 2470, which is in the strong master range. He’s just ahead of Alice Lee, who I remember watching at several chess tournaments when I lived in Minnesota – she’s rated 2456 and is now an International Master-elect. And both of them could defeat me without too much difficulty.
There were a couple of exhibitions on display at the Hall of Fame. And while you can’t see it well in this picture, the world’s largest chess piece stands in front of the Hall of Fame. Sadly, the one exhibit I did want to see (the past US and world champions) was closed. But they did have free posters, and I did manage to get one. Now to decide which office it goes in….