
Observant readers of my website will note that I listed one of my goals as visiting the St. Louis Chess Center. Goal achieved. I had the opportunity to check out the main floor, and sitting at one of the tables was GM Yasser Seirawan, who was reading and it looked like he was checking some…

Read More Bucket list item checked off…

I caught this on IM Sagar Shah’s video about Chessbase 17: If you have old (or even new databases) that were stored in the old .CBH format, you’ll want to upgrade them to the new .CB2 format. Chessbase doesn’t do this automatically for you – you’ll have to do that yourself. At this point,…

Read More A Chessbase 17 tip

Thanksgiving normally brings turkey, shopping discounts, and every other year, a new version of Chessbase. When it comes to shopping for computer software upgrades, there’s always the question of “is the upgrade worth the money?” So, since I can be (somewhat easily) bribed by the 25% discount that’s normally available twice per year, I went…

Read More Chessbase 17… how will the updates help the average patzer?

Magnus Carlsen is the current world chess champion. He’s also become quite the entrepreneur, with a variety of companies falling under the “Play Magnus” banner, including Chessable (which I really should use more), a couple of apps, and Aimchess. Aimchess claims to utilize analytics from a player’s own games to create personalized training programs. Since…

Read More My initial adventures with Aimchess…