Helpful sites

It’s been said that our web droppings can teach us a great deal not only about our interests and ourselves, but how we learn and who we trust. If you were to look at my browser cache or my podcast list, you’d likely see these a few of these sites come up:

Mac Podcasts:

Mac sites: 

Every time I look at these sites, I realize how much I still have to learn about the Mac. I grew up a PC person, and I feel now like I live in both worlds, but have so much to learn about each.

PC sites/podcasts:

Teaching/Pedagogy Sites and Podcasts:

Other references:

Disclaimer: None of these authors/podcasters have compensated me for placing their information here. Most of them probably don't even know that I've done so. I listed them here because I've found them to be of some help, and figured that they might help others.